5 Things To Avoid Doing In The Week Before Your Wedding - Sweet Gibraltar Weddin

Posted by Liz Seyi on May 7th, 2022

We recently wrote a blog post advising couples planning their weddings in Gibraltar on the beauty treatments they should be saying “no” to in the immediate run-up to their big day. But it’s not only a tempting tanning bed or a revamp to your hairdo that you ought to be swerving clear of when your nuptials are just days away. 

So, for this article, our wedding planners will spotlight five courses of action that are highly ill-advised in the week your special day approaches. 

Don’t Google wedding outfits 

You might think to yourself that you’ve long decided on your wedding gown, so what’s the harm in casually browsing the search engines to see what outfits other couples might have gone for? 

But in the week before your wedding, you’ll almost certainly regret doing this if you end up seeing an amazing wedding dress that makes you question the one you’ve already plumped for. So, stay well away from Google – for this purpose, anyway. 

Don’t give a new exercise routine a go 

In the week of your wedding of all times, we would strongly urge you to stick to the workouts you know and (hopefully) love. Now isn’t the time to try out something new that could lead you to pull a muscle when you are mere days away from walking down the aisle. 

Don’t pull any ‘all-nighters’ 

It’s a situation we can all find ourselves in from time to time; having a work project with a tight deadline, or just ‘feeling like’ staying up all night drinking, partying or binging on that box set. 

But this isn’t something you should risk happening in the week before your wedding day, if you can remotely avoid it. Make sure the week is characterised by all the sleep you’ll need to look and feel great when your big day arrives. 

Don’t indulge in sunbathing 

Depending on where you come from, and how much time you might be spending in or around Gibraltar in the run-up to the day, catching some sun might or might not be a big concern for you. 

Sunbathing in the week before your wedding, though, is a risk. You won’t want to end up looking sunburned in your wedding photos, or having weird tan lines, particularly if your wedding outfit exposes a lot of skin. It’s probably something best left to the days or weeks after your big day. 

Don’t ‘save’ your wedding shoes for the wedding 

If you’ve spent a lot of money on your wedding footwear, it’s understandable that you might wish to keep the shoes immaculate in their box until the special day itself. 

But this isn’t as sound a move as you may think. Instead, we would advise you to spend the week before your wedding wearing your wedding shoes, so that you can ‘break them in’ and ensure you’re confident and comfortable in them by the time of your nuptials. 

When you want to get every detail of your Gibraltar wedding planning just right, don’t try to do everything by yourself! Instead, get in touch with the Sweet Gibraltar Weddings team. We have the track record in organising weddings in Gibraltar, and the broad choice of wedding packages, that will free you up to focus on some of the more ‘exciting’ aspects of your looming big day. 

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Liz Seyi

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Liz Seyi
Joined: August 13th, 2019
Articles Posted: 1,438

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